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The message you are replying to: Re: Optional Digitized Signature
RyanT wrote the following post at 05-14-2012 5:05 PM:
The digitized signature is not a rubber stamp, 395.8 Question 27 doesn't apply, however question 28 does because it states that a driver must print out his/her logs and sign the printed log everyday. This mean that yes the driver must hand sign the logs. The digitized signature allow the driver to sign the log with their own signature and send it to their company using our certified fax feature. The company needs only to have a copy of the drivers log (which can come through fax) so using the digitized signature that does not just "stamp" the log page with the signature. The driver must click and drag, to angle and size their digitize signature on the log. So just to clarify, the drive must print out and sign their log, they can also use the digitize signature to sign the log they send certified fax to the carrier. I hope this helps, if you need more information please go to and click on the CHAT NOW button on the right to connect with a tech.
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