
Eclipse Logbook

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The message you are replying to: Re: Logbook info
RyanT wrote the following post at 06-27-2012 8:49 AM:
Hello, In the bottom left of the software you can change which jurisdiction you are auditing for. Select Canada, it will audit you for cycle 1 only. When you cross the border into the US, you will need to change to the correct US jurisdiction. This may make the time when you were in Canada look like your in violation, when you change the jurisdiction your auditing for it changes it for all of the log data, not from the specific point that your changed jurisdictions. Same thing will happen when you go from the US to Canada and change the jurisdiction. This will not be a problem because where it shows that you're in "violation" you will be able to see that the location is either in Canada or the US and is not the jurisdiction you are auditing for. I hope this helps, if you have more questions please go to and click on the CHAT NOW button on the right side to connect with a technician.
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