While you are correct in stating that entering the distances (either miles or kilometers) will allot the required distance traveled calculation, it will quote the average speed traveled during the day only as miles per hour.
Those of us who are reporting and entering our distances as kilometers will see an average speed quoted (in miles per hour) as rather, shall we say, FAST! It would be swell if we could have a choice of toggling between stated distance in kilometers or miles, so that we can see our averaged traveled speed for the day quoted in either miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
This software rocks and I know the quoted average speed for the day is not a DOT requirement, but it sure is a nice bonus to have that little notation that you've chosen to include in the fields. It's just useless to those of us with odometers that record only in kilometers. Any chance of including an option for kilometers per hour? Maybe all you would have to do is enter a formula in your code when kilometers is toggled?