
Eclipse Logbook

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The message you are replying to: Re: Need to know how to print off a manual for DOT, how to use guide?
RyanT wrote the following post at 04-03-2014 8:12 AM:

A manual is required for EOBR (Electric On Board Recording). Logbook is a computerized log which does not required a manual. Below is a link to the FMCSA site which one will tell you the requirements for EOBR and one for computerized logs.


(g) On-board information. Each commercial motor vehicle must have on-board the commercial motor vehicle an information packet containing the following items: (1) An instruction sheet describing in detail how data may be stored and retrieved from an automatic on-board recording system; and (2) A supply of blank driver's records of duty status graph-grids sufficient to record the driver's duty status and other related information for the duration of the current trip.

Computerized Logs -

Question 28: May a driver use a computer to generate his or her record of duty status (log book) and then manually sign the computer printouts in lieu of handwritten logs?

Guidance: A driver may use a computer to generate the graph grid and entries for the record of duty status or log books, provided the computer-generated output includes the minimum information required by §395.8 and is formatted in accordance with the rules. In addition, the driver must:

1. Be capable of printing the record of duty status for the current 24-hour period at the request of an enforcement officer. 2. Print the record of duty status at the end of each 24-hour period, and sign it in his or her handwriting to certify that all entries required by this section are true and correct. 3. Maintain a copy of printed and signed records of duty status for the previous 7 consecutive days and make it available for inspection at the request of an enforcement officer.

Hope this information helps, please let me know if you have any other questions.
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