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The message you are replying to: Re: Pre-Trip vs Post-Trip
Anonymous wrote the following post at 08-15-2015 2:07 PM:
This is a non-issue after the DVIR change of Dec 2014. No DVIR report is needed, if no faults are found. But let's say a written report was needed. It will be done at the end of the driver's tour that day, which could end early at 9am or after 11pm. It could end the following day because he was driving from 9pm to 4am. FMCSA has no time constraint as to 15, 30, 45 minutes to perform a DVIR (Interstate Drivers). The rule just requires it to be performed. When performing this inspection & writing the report you are stopped so you log on duty not driving, line 4. (By the way: you log where you are (City & the State..state is abbreviated or your location then nearest city & state). You do not log what you are doing there...."Post Trip Inspection /PTI".) Food for thought: I could technically move from line 3, driving, to line 1 or 2 (OD or SB) & still have completed a DVIR. Why, Part 395 Interpretations allow a driver to flag duty status location without moving out of my current status line or having to drop into another status line ...(4) if the function was less than 15 minutes. Go read the interps. I chose not to tell you what Interp number because: everything in life will not be handed to, you will learn as you go. Michael, Safety Consultant USDOT-FMCSA (Ret) DOT Rescue Laredo, TX
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