Please don't confuse drop box or other external storage with local storage. External storage may not always be available because there is no internet connectivity in the area. Having stored your active file externally is therefore a risk and will not be looked kindly by any inspecting officer who wants to see your logs. If these two incidents happen simultaneously (and often they do), the driver is in violation by not being able to provide current duty status or history of status/old logs. Yes it may seem like a great idea to have color logs. Looking at the reasoning behind choosing not to have color printability by the company writing the code, I think they make some pretty valid arguments against color print options. Let me add another. Should you choose to print in green or blue, you could have a serious copy/scan problem depending upon your scanner/copier as certain shades will appear as ghosts or not at all. Writing code based upon the user's make/model of printer is a bad idea and would be more costly to implement for everyone, including the black and white printing people.
Yes, I too would like to print my logs in a different color. I understand that this is a slight inconvenience over all of the other options i have available. Therefore, I will print black and white. You could use a different color of paper to start with and then print in black and (your choice of color here).