im a canadian truck driver, i whant to have an electronic daily log in my umpc.
Your soft is almost perfect for me, but i find a few annoying things for my personal usage.
i whant a setup who's asking me if : i have the same company/address, the same allocated truck number etc ... i'm using your latest trial, and i'm tired to have to input thoses infos again and again ?? and an option to copy them for the next day, month or year long.
or for an example : an agency guy who could have a companies entered list in a drop down menu selection, combined with their adresses upon selection ???
i have a 10inch portable touchscreen umpc with WinCe 5.0 and a sirf 3 chip integrated, and a portable printer, i'm using Igo8, street and trips, Garmin for pc and i whant an electronic daily log in it.