The data and paper recaps have different layouts, but they reflect the same numbers.
If you look at the paper recap, it shows you have 65 hours available at the start of the day, which matches the "Starting Available" on the data recap.
The reason the paper and data recaps are formatted differently, is that they serve different purposes. The paper recap reflects what has traditionally been shown on most paper logs... the max available hours at the beginning of the day. This let auditors quickly look and see if the hours used on your log were under the amount available at the beginning of the day.
The data recap is actually more useful, but it changes as you go through your day. It shows the starting hours available (which doesn't change), but it also shows how many hours you are using on your log grid at the current moment, the hours remaining at the current moment, and then how much you'll have available tomorrow given how your grid looks at the current moment. This is more useful than the paper recap, because as you go through your day you can see how each change or planned change will affect your hours.
Hope that makes sense. What it boils down to is the paper recap is prepared at the beginning of the day to show the max time you have available that day, whereas the data recap changes with every change you make on the grid to show the recap info as the grid currently stands. They both, however, show the unchanging hours available at the start of the day (65 hours in your example on both paper and data recaps).