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System failure

Last post 06-25-2010 6:54 AM by LarryBoy. 1 replies.
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  • 06-24-2010 8:09 PM

    System failure

    Hi, I am trying to support a driver who's laptop died on him. I was able to retrieve his data, as his hard drive is fine. I am unfamiliar with this program, and was wondering.. What files can I send him so he can print his logs out? He is on the road, but can receive email, he has installed the application on a new PC, but needs to get his logs turned in. I am not sure what file to grab and send him. I need to know what file to send, and how to merge it into his current data set so he doesn't lose what he's got on his system now. Any help would be appreciated.
  • 06-25-2010 6:54 AM In reply to

    • LarryBoy
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 11-05-2007
    • Greeley, Colorado
    • Points 3,777

    Re: System failure

    If you can run the program, select Help > Open Data Folder... then send him the EclipseLogbook.sdf file. If you can't run the software, you'll need to search his hard drive for EclipseLogbook.sdf (XP, Vista, etc. store the file in different locations).

    We can't really merge data files is the only catch, so he can either keep the old .sdf file for historical purposes and keep putting new data in the new .sdf, OR he'll have to restore the old .sdf and reenter any logs completed since then.


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