the most helpful feature of an Android based logbook would be that there IS one from you guys, seriously, my current laptop is dying and this is the one reason i havent bought a new laptop yet, i wanted to wait till you had something i could buy for a new tablet, sadly it looks like i wont be able to wait that long
i respect that development takes time and you need it to be functional and legal but a year in the making for a platform that has been out for 4-5 years? while you lose money permanently to people buying eobrs or just running paper because they dont see an app they like on the store? it does not make good sense nor buisness sense to not at least give us a target date better than "soon" for when we could expect this
had a trooper look at 2 logs on my computer and call it good on a level 3 last night, he liked it, didnt know why more people dont run something like it instead of paper,
MY only complaint is that swapping between data and paper is slow and day to day in audit is agonizing